Meet Your Instructor

Your Instructor - Natasha C. Sass

My love of technology began when I was quite young. In 1981 my father took me in to Bell Labs where a (very large) computer was programmed to create a salutation when prompted with “Hi, my name is…”. I watched as a response printed out on the green and white lined dot matrix paper. “Good Morning, Natasha.”

I was hooked.

As an adult, I enjoyed my time in corporate technical training where I learned to break down complicated steps and teach others how to quickly understand the software they used daily.

I have always been a writer, ever since I read my first novel at seven years old. I’ve chaired national conferences and taught at them, too. So now my separate worlds have united.

In the advent of AI and Large Language Models, I understand the importance of learning this new tool as a writer, and the myriad of ways it can help us accomplish those challenging steps in the writing process that we have resistance to. Whether it is brainstorming or getting the wording just right, language models can help, and I want to show you how.

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